Book of ezekiel prophecy

In the first half of the book ezekiels visions are of the near destruction of israel and jerusalem, while the second half of the book is about the future. Its name is drawn from ezekiel, a priest prophet who lived in jerusalem and was one of the jews deported by nebuchadnezzar ii to babylon at the beginning of the 6th century bc. David tee people like to know what is going to happen. Ezekiel the son of buzi, a priest, may have completed writing the book in babylonia in about the year 591 b. Ezekiel overview matthew henrys complete commentary on. The book of ezekiel takes its title from the priest of the same name, son to a man named buzi. The prophet ezekiel is one of four major prophets along with isaiah, jeremiah, and daniel in hebrew scripture, our old testament of the bible. God warns iran persia, with russia magog, and a coalition of allies including turkey, libya, and sudan will attack and will invade israel. Why does ezekiel prophecy to a valley of dry bones. Ezekiels priestly lineage shines through in his prophetic ministry.

But im not to sure about some of the other things he says. In this vision,7 which he saw in the year 3332 429 bce while standing on the banks of the chebar river,8 ezekiel describes in vivid detail g. The book of ezekiel he will be strengthened of god. His book in the old testament has 47 chapters, split into two major themes. In chapter 1 of the book named after ezekiel, god gave the prophet a glimpse of the spirit realm, which serves god in accomplishing his will. The prophecies of ezekiel point to a time when the people of israel would serve david, their king. When we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the things that should be hereafter, we seemed to have the same call that st.

With the city overrun and the temple destroyed, gods people wondered what god was doing, if the promises had failed, if their future was gone. The latest dated prophecy in the book was given in the seven and twentieth year, in the first month, in the first day of the month 29. On the fifth day of the month it was the fifth year of king jehoiachins exile. Book of ezekiel overview insight for living ministries. Ezekiel is quickly becoming the most popular biblical prophet of our time. Ezekiels commission would last for some 22 years and involve some challenging assignments. In contrast to various other prophets ezekiel has not been criticised as much. Ezekiel with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Ezekiel ministered to his generation who were both exceedingly sinful and thoroughly hopeless. Ezekiel intro to ezekiel biblica the international bible society. The book discusses the fall of jerusalem in 586 bc and contains many oracles of warning. The three major prophets isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel and zephaniah all have the same basic sequence of messages. According to dates given in the text, ezekiel received his prophetic call in the fifth year of the first deportation to babylonia 592 bc and was active until about 570. Thousands of years ago, ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of god that are intended for our time, now.

Ezekiels all about locationso much so that theres a series of chapters 4042 that do little more than describe the precise measurements of every single area in the future rebuilt temple. Ezekiels prophecies concerning tyre tyrus are some of the most remarkable. The babylonian king has begun his final siege of jerusalem. A commentary on the book of ezekiel by pastor galen l. Ancient babylon defeated israel on the plains of megiddo at the battle of carcemish in 609 bc and began their seventy year captivity for iniquity. Ezekiels visions and prophecies have been the basis of numerous discussions and speculations. The priest ezekiel was the first prophet to be called by the lord outside of israel during the babylonian captivity. The other three major prophets have similar themes. Coronavirus prophesized in book of ezekiel, mystic rabbi. The lord instructs ezekiel to prophecy to the bones, telling them that god will make breath enter you, and you. The book of ezekiel, also called the prophecy of ezechiel, one of the major prophetical books of the old testament. He sometimes symbolically acted out his prophecies. It is intended to help you better understand some of the background and issues in ezekiels prophecy.

The gate to the nations is broken, and its doors have swung open to me. The book of ezekiel has always been a problem book. The latter part of the chapter shows them bearing what is apparently a portable throne of god 1. Ezekiel 26 new international version niv a prophecy against tyre. When were the prophecies given and what do they mean. This book is basically about the destruction and exile of judah and the promise of its eventual restoration by god. The book of ezekiel niv audio holy bible high quality. The book of ezekiel was likely written between 593 and 565 b. Ezekiel 26 a prophecy against tyre in the bible gateway.

Korihor, the book of mormon antichrist, told alma that no man can know of. Certainly a beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy happened at christs first coming. In ezekiels visions, hes transported back to jerusalem, which is the real geographical center of the book. The new testament church was begun by the descendants of those. After reading this book and dr gaebeleins book, not to mention reading each chapter of ezekiel dozens of times, and dr, mcgees thru the bible tapes, i finally at least scratched the surface of this magnificent book ezekiel. The prophecies of ezekiel concerning the restoration of israel. According to the book itself, it records six visions of the prophet ezekiel, exiled in babylon, during the 22 years from 593 to 571 bc, although it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very. Book of ezekiel i think he is being honest about this book of the bible, i dont think it will ever come to pass. According to dates given in the text, ezekiel received his prophetic call in the fifth year of the first deportation to babylonia 592 bc and was active until about 570 bc. The final nine chapters of the prophecy of ezekiel, while forming a grand climax to the prophets message, present problems and difficulties which place them among the most perplexing portions of the entire prophetic word. This commentary is based upon my personal devotional notes and reflections on the book of ezekiel. Ezekiels prophecies are unique in that they were experienced in babylonia. The most recent contribution i have read regarding these chapters is that of astour 1976, who asserts ezekiels authorship of this prophecy.

With ezekiel, written roughly 2,500 to 3,000 years ago and the book of. The book of ezekiel begins with a bang as the prophet reveals the heavens opening to unveil a vision of god. By the time we get to the sixth chapter of the book of ezekiel, he has regained the ability to speak, but instead of speaking his prophecies to people, he speaks them to mountians and a pile of bones, which come to life in front of him ezekiel 37. Ezekiel 25 new international version niv a prophecy against ammon. Book of ezekiel enhanced ebook edition illustrated. This remarkable book bears the name of the prophet who wrote it. The first part of the book, up to chapter 32 inclusive, announces gods judgments against both the people of israel and the idolatrous nations. After a short prologue in which ezekiel describes how god called him, he uses a series of symbols to predict the now inevitable destruction of jerusalem and identify its. Israel restoration prophesied by ezekiel was to be physical then followed by spiritual.

In the chapter, the prophet ezekiel is led by god into a valley filled with bones. Coronavirus prophesized in book of ezekiel, mystic rabbi shows admin february 17, 2020 corona virus, prophecy, prophetic word, virus you shall serve hashem your god, and he will bless your bread and your water. For most, ezekiels message is a mystery, but you can understand gods message for. Ezekiel prophesied about the judgment of jerusalem and other nations in ezekiel 2. These doubts were strong enough, in those early days, to raise the question of whether ezekiel should be one of the biblical books. In judaism and christianity, he is also viewed as the 6thcentury bce author of the book of ezekiel, which reveals prophecies regarding the. The book of ezekiel begins with his famous prophecy of the divine chariot. Ezekiel gives a chronological order of events from the rebirth of israel to the construction of the third temple which is the end of ezekiel prophecies. His last failed attempt was just before the second coming when his human armies failed. That is why they study the future and ancient prophecies. Ezekiel the prophet preached to jews of the babylonian captivity from 593 bc to 563 bc, according to the bibles book of ezekiel. This is not only the concise overview of the book of isaiah, but also of the book of ezekiel, except that ezekiel adds one more principle, the principle of individual responsibility which was also touched by the prophet, jeremiah.

The book of ezekiel in the old testament of the bible is one of the books of the major prophets. The book of ezekiel from the holy bible new international version niv book 26 please note we have increased the volume and the pitch of. A commentary on the book of ezekiel southside christian. Since the book of ezekiel contains more dates see chart, p. Ezekiel is unique among the prophetic books for the number of prophecies introduced by dates. One of the oddest and most famous passages in ezekiel found in chapter 37 has inspired numerous sunday school lessons, sermons, and even a song. Doughty southside christian church december 2014 introduction. The most prominent feature of this muchdisputed passage is the. So far, ezekiels message to the exiles in babylon has centered on one theme. Highlights from the book of ezekielii watchtower online. The book the theme of ezekiel is the glory of the lord. The prophet ezekiel is the author of the book ezekiel 1.

The book of ezekiel is the third of the latter prophets in the tanakh and one of the major prophetic books in the old testament, following isaiah and jeremiah. Ezekiels in babylon, having been exiled there after the first siege of judah by the babylonians. The prophecies of ezekiel concerning the restoration of. In this vision ezekiel saw four brilliant, powerful angels in action. Ezekiel was born in israel to his father buzi, a priest. In judaism and christianity, he is also viewed as the 6thcentury bce author of the book of ezekiel, which reveals prophecies. The prophet wastes no time dropping his readers right into the thick of the life and times of judah immediately following the fall of jerusalem. The prophecies of ezekiel teachinghearts prophecy and. Besides clarity of structure, the book of ezekiel reveals symmetry. So ezekiel makes plain that god will judge the nations, just as he had judged israel chs. This book records the messages and ministry of ezekiel, prophet and priest and associate of daniel who was carried from jerusalem to babylon as a young man, there to serve as the watchman on the wall religious leader to the whole house of israel, including those jews still living in the holy city and to the multitudes of his people already in babylon. That cataclysmic event marks the center of his prophecy and the turning point of the book. It covers a period of approximately 22 years, from 6 to about 591 b.

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